Thursday, May 27, 2010

Los Angeles to Boycott Entire Country

Well, not yet. But it may come to that.

Yesterday I talked about Pennsylvania legislators discussing illegal immigration laws. Well, they're not alone. Oklahoma is also discussing new immigration laws.

Arizona last month adopted the nation's toughest measures against undocumented immigrants. Lawmakers in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan quickly introduced copycat legislation.

Lawmakers in several other states that have already adjourned or are wrapping up legislative sessions -- Alabama, Texas, Utah, Idaho and Maryland -- have promised to push for measures similar to Arizona's when their legislators reconvene.

In Colorado, Republican Scott McInnis, who is leading Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper in the polls, has promised something similar to Arizona's law if he is elected.

I hope all these states pass new immigration laws. It would really make a statement about how pissed off Americans are at the Federal Government's refusal to deal with this issue.

I'd also like to see what Los Angeles would do if a bunch of states joined Arizona. Would LA boycott them all? Or would they admit they were wrong? Most likely, LA would come up with excuses as to why only Arizona needs to be boycotted.

These boycotts seem childish. And the amusing thing is, the American public doesn't even agree with boycotting Arizona.

A new Rasmussen poll shows most people across the country don't agree with the boycott.

The poll, released first to FOX News, shows that 14 percent of Americans think it's a good idea for other cities and states to boycott Arizona. 68 percent say it's not.

Will Americans support such a boycott? 40 percent say they would avoid doing business with a city or state boycotting Arizona. 43 percent say they would not.

"40 percent say they would avoid doing business with a city or state boycotting Arizona." Wow, is that irony or what!

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